Amber Rojas, Main Street Director and Historic Preservation Officer for the City of Tyler, will be our speaker. Amber will discuss Tyler’s Half Mile of History Program. This program has brought awareness and honor to people, places and events since 2008. Come learn more about the process and its honorees.
The General Meeting of the Smith County Historical Society will meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Payne Auditorium. From 6:30 to 7 pm is a social time to visit with other members and guests with light refreshments. The Meeting starts at 7 pm with a short business meeting and announcements followed by a program that will usually cover Smith County Historical topics on events, families or locations that should be of great interest to our members.
If you have questions, comments, concerns, or even something you would like presented to the board, please contact our Office Manager at (903) 592-5993!