Smith County Historical Society

Cotton Belt Indexes

COTTON BELT INDEXES By Scott Fitzgerald This is a joint project that was undertaken with the cooperation of three non-profit organizations. East Texas Genealogical Society (ETGS) provided Jeanne Sellers who did all of the indexes. I proofed and formatted all of the indexes for ETGS and the Smith County Historical Society (SCHS). SCHS also provided about 1/2 of magazines and the website space. The ...[Read More]

Cotton Belt News 1949 Issue #4 Index

Cotton Belt News 1949 Issue #4 Index   This is a joint project that was undertaken with the cooperation of three non-profit organizations. East Texas Genealogical Society (ETGS) provided Jeanne Sellers who did all of the indexes. I proofed and formatted all of the indexes for ETGS and the Smith County Historical Society (SCHS). SCHS also provided about 1/2 of magazines and the website space. ...[Read More]

Cotton Belt News 1946 Issue #3 Index

Cotton Belt News 1946 Issue #1 Index   This is a joint project that was undertaken with the cooperation of three non-profit organizations. East Texas Genealogical Society (ETGS) provided Jeanne Sellers who did all of the indexes. I proofed and formatted all of the indexes for ETGS and the Smith County Historical Society (SCHS). SCHS also provided about 1/2 of magazines and the website space. ...[Read More]

Cotton Belt News 1946 Issue #1 Index

Cotton Belt News 1946 Issue #1 Index   This is a joint project that was undertaken with the cooperation of three non-profit organizations. East Texas Genealogical Society (ETGS) provided Jeanne Sellers who did all of the indexes. I proofed and formatted all of the indexes for ETGS and the Smith County Historical Society (SCHS). SCHS also provided about 1/2 of magazines and the website space. ...[Read More]

Cotton Belt News – Cumulative Index

Cumulative Index to Cotton Belt News   This a master index to the Cotton Belt News. The indexes are compiled by Jeanne Sellers and formatted and proofread by Scott FItzgerald. Right now it covers the following issues:   1946 Issue 3; 1949 Issue 4; 1949 Issue 5; 1949 Issue 6; 1949 Issue 8; 1949 Issue 9; 1955 Issue 11; 1974 Spring Issue; and 1975 Spring Issue. Every effort was made to inde ...[Read More]

“Unmistakably Tyler II” magazine of the TEDC

Normally we wouldn’t feature just a single item for a blog post.  This magazine  found at an estate sale last year is just to good to pass on postiing about.  Published in 1991, written and commissioned by the Tyler Economic Development  Council, Inc.–has many stories and images of past businesses, organizations, and people that aren’t with us anymore.  I was initially interested ...[Read More]

Katie A. Stewart Collection, 2011.37.001

——————————————————————————- ——————————————————————————- KAS ~ Manuscript 05/02/2024 R ...[Read More]

Aerie Yearbook, Rusk, Cherokee County, Texas, 1973

Index to Aerie Yearbook 1973 Rusk, Cherokee County, Texas Note: Every effort was made to index all names, places, and subjects. Corrections may be sent to East Texas Genealogical Society’s e-mail address – Jeanne Sellers created this index. Scott Fitzgerald proofread and formatted the inform ...[Read More]

Oscar A. Winkfield

Laon, France – Airman Second Class Oscar A. Winkfield, son of Mrs. Opal J. Winkfield of 812 W, 28th St., Tyler, has been presented the U.S. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award at Laon AB, France.   Airman Winkfield, a five protection specialist, received the award as a permanent decoration for helping the 66th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing achieve an exceptionally meritorious rating in support of ...[Read More]

The Tyler Star Annual Safety Book 1958-59 Tyler, Texas

The Tyler Star Annual Safety Book 1958-59 Tyler, Texas

Index to The Tyler Star 14th Annual Safety Book 1958-59 Tyler, Texas Index compiled by Jeanne Sellers and proofread and formatted by Scott Fitzgerald for the East Texas Genealogical Society. Blog by Carla Lacy – Tyler Star Safety Books, posted July 21, 2018. Abel, Bain – 17 Acker, Carolyn – 55 Adair, Timmy – 44 Adam, Margaret – 32 Adams, Stephen – 3 Adamson, Den ...[Read More]