Smith County Historical Society
The Society, incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed in 1959. It was formed to serve these purposes:
- to discover, collect and preserve data, records and items relating to the history of Smith County, Texas;
- to provide public education relating to the history of Smith County, Texas;
- to maintain an archival collection that is available to the public for research and education relating to the history of Smith County, Texas;
- to maintain museum(s) and to work with any museum for the preservation of historical artifacts relating to the history of Smith County, Texas;
- to publish an historical magazine called CHRONICLES OF SMITH COUNTY, TEXAS, as well as any other books and materials relating to history that the Society deems worthy of publication;
- to hold periodic meetings and programs on historical topics for the benefit of members of the Society and the public in general;
- to solicit contributions of money or other property for the purpose of carrying out the foregoing programs; and
- to do and perform generally and anywhere all acts and things reasonably incident to the corporate purposes.
Active Committees
Executive Officers
President: Larry Wade
Vice President: Steve Heidrick
Treasurer: Sheila Austin
Recording Secretary: Ashley Taylor
Directors Elected 2023:
Marilyn Willis
Marilyn Young
Kenna Smotherman Greyling
Directors returning:
Christopher Leahy
Mark Thacker
Daye Collins
Office Staff
Office Manager/ Volunteer & Intern Coordinator: Virginia Leath
Archives Manager: Tiffany Wright
Jack T. Greer Memorial Fund
Larry Wade
Tiffany Wright
Vicki Betts
Chairperson: Scott Fitzgerald
Programs and Events
Chairperson: Steve Heidrick
Chairperson: Kathy Gaston
Ray Kent
Larry Wade
Daye Collins
Chronicles of Smith County Publications
Vicki Betts, Smith County Historical Society
Associate Editor
Emily Scheinfeld, Univ. of Texas at Tyler
Board of Editors
Carol Kehl, Smith County Historical Society
Matthew M. Stith, Univ. of Texas at Tyler
Camp Ford
Chairperson: Ashton Oravetz
For more information on our organization please feel free to call our offices or contact us through our Get Involved page. If you’d like to know more about these committees or when they meet please take a look at our calendar and events page here.