Support the Historical Society


The many functions of the Society require manpower, and the membership alone often cannot supply it all. Assistance is always needed with such activities as sorting and organizing archival material, answering the phone and greeting visitors, and even things as easy as folding newsletters and dusting exhibits. If you would like to spare some of your free time, or have some required community service to perform, we would love to have you help.

If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact us!

Volunteer Opportunities

Historical Research – assist with general research in support of exhibits or special programs.

Computer Data Entry – data entry is needed in the archives and in support of museum cataloging projects.

Program Planning – develop program ideas, assist the committee in finding speakers and provide a program yourself.

Clerical – answer the phone, take messages, makes copies, filing

Camp Ford Activities – construction at the site, research, assist with tours

Special Events – assist with tours during Rose Festival, Spring Flower and Azalea Trail, Holiday Open House

Social Committee – organize refreshments and serving setup at month meetings and special events.

Membership Committee – serve as scheduled rotating greeters for our monthly meetings on the 1st Tuesday of each month, become an ambassador to the community promoting the society, participate in the annual membership drive for new members and assist with bulk mailings for special events.


The purposes of the Smith County Historical Society include maintaining an archival collection and museum, as well as produce publications, for public education and research of our rich history. The Society is also the caretaker of Camp Ford Historic Park, an important part of our local Civil War heritage. Financial contributions are very vital for the Society to achieve these efforts.

The Society not only accepts monetary contributions, but also donations of physical items. Materials collected by the Society include items such as photographs, books, maps, and business/personal documents, as well as artifacts ranging from Native American relics to vintage clothing and furniture. Our storage, display and archival spaces are limited, so the material must pertain to the history of Smith County, Texas. We are always glad to consider items that you wish to donate, and if accepted, we will protect and preserve them for future generations.

The Smith County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service, so contributions are tax deductible. In regard to physical item donations, the Society cannot provide a monetary appraisal. If one is desired, you must find and employ a professional, licensed appraiser at your own expense.

  • $0.00


Membership is open to all persons, businesses or organizations interested in Smith County, Texas history.

To join the Society, please complete the online form and pay with and credit card or download a membership application and mail it with the appropriate dues check to:

Smith County Historical Society
125 South College Avenue
Tyler, TX 75702

Membership levels and associated dues are as follows:

  • Youth (18 & Under) $10.00
  • Individual $35.00
  • Family (Two adults per household) $60.00
  • Sustaining (corporate, individual or family) $100.00
  • Senior Life (Individual 55 years and older) $800.00
  • Annual Benefactor $1000.00
  • $0.00