Monthly Meeting, May 2017
Annual Ice Cream Social Tuesday, May 2, 2017 @ 6:30pm come for treats, fellowship, and $5 tours of the Bonner-Whitaker-McClendon House, 806 West Houston Street, Tyler.
February Meeting — ” The Tyler, Texas Black Film Collection”
This month we will be joined by Carol Kehl. She will be sharing with us a fascinating story of film productions produced between 1935- 1958 that were found in a warehouse in Tyler. Six short films, nine features, and a set of newsreels all produced for African American audiences were found and are now held at the G. William Jones Film and Video Collection at SMU. Join us and watch three of these ten minute productions while learning more about their history. We will be hosting our social hour beginning at 6:30 P.M. and the meeting will begin at 7 P.M. Please remember that these meetings and programs are open to the public so feel free to invite your friends and family, and to share this event page with others! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through Facebook or call (903) 592-5993. In addition, please remember that our front door will be closed before and after the meeting and we ask everyone to use our side entrance.
Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board of the Smith County Historical Society meets the first Tuesday of every month. The Board serves to direct, support, and help in the running of the Society and all its dealings. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or even something you would like presented to the board, please contact our Office Manager at (903) 592-5993!
General Meetings – 1st Tuesday each month 7 pm
The General Meeting of the Smith County Historical Society will meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Payne Auditorium. From 6:30 to 7 pm is a social time to visit with other members and guests with light refreshments. The Meeting starts at 7 pm with a short business meeting and announcements followed by a program that will usually cove a Smith County Historical topics on events, families or locations that should be of great interest to our members. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or even something you would like presented to the board, please contact our Office Manager at (903) 592-5993!
Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board of the Smith County Historical Society meets the first Tuesday of every month. The Board serves to direct, support, and help in the running of the Society and all its dealings. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or even something you would like presented to the board, please contact our Office Manager at (903) 592-5993!
General Meetings – 1st Tuesday each month 7 pm
The General Meeting of the Smith County Historical Society will meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Payne Auditorium. From 6:30 to 7 pm is a social time to visit with other members and guests with light refreshments. The Meeting starts at 7 pm with a short business meeting and announcements followed by a program that will usually cove a Smith County Historical topics on events, families or locations that should be of great interest to our members. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or even something you would like presented to the board, please contact our Office Manager at (903) 592-5993!
Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board of the Smith County Historical Society meets the first Tuesday of every month. The Board serves to direct, support, and help in the running of the Society and all its dealings. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or even something you would like presented to the board, please contact our Office Manager at (903) 592-5993!
General Meetings – 1st Tuesday each month 7 pm
The General Meeting of the Smith County Historical Society will meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Payne Auditorium. From 6:30 to 7 pm is a social time to visit with other members and guests with light refreshments. The Meeting starts at 7 pm with a short business meeting and announcements followed by a program that will usually cove a Smith County Historical topics on events, families or locations that should be of great interest to our members. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or even something you would like presented to the board, please contact our Office Manager at (903) 592-5993!
Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board of the Smith County Historical Society meets the first Tuesday of every month. The Board serves to direct, support, and help in the running of the Society and all its dealings. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or even something you would like presented to the board, please contact our Office Manager at (903) 592-5993!
General Meetings – 1st Tuesday each month 7 pm
The General Meeting of the Smith County Historical Society will meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Payne Auditorium. From 6:30 to 7 pm is a social time to visit with other members and guests with light refreshments. The Meeting starts at 7 pm with a short business meeting and announcements followed by a program that will usually cove a Smith County Historical topics on events, families or locations that should be of great interest to our members. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or even something you would like presented to the board, please contact our Office Manager at (903) 592-5993!