
The General Meeting of the Smith County Historical Society will meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Payne Auditorium. From 6:30 to 7 pm is a social time to visit with other members and guests with light refreshments. The Meeting starts at 7 pm with a short business meeting and announcements followed by a program that will usually cove a Smith County Historical topics on events, families or locations that should be of great interest to our members. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or even something you would like presented to the board, please contact our Office Manager at (903) 592-5993!

Our speaker for the December 3, 2019 evening program will be our very own Archives Manager, Tiffany Wright! She will be sharing some information from the past that she has recently found in the Tyler Morning Telegraph collection; including information about our newest collection from the paper and Come help us celebrate the 60th BIRTHDAY of the Society with birthday cake and treats.

We are in for a treat at our February Program! The title is Becoming Glasco: Joseph’s Tyler Connection Presented in conjunction with “Bold Lines: Works by Joseph Glasco” at the Tyler Museum of Art, Executive Director Christopher Leahy and Curator Caleb Bell will look at the late abstract artist’s life and career which began here in Tyler. The presentation will explore Glasco’s childhood and adolescence in Tyler as well as trace his career in New York through his retirement in Galveston. Christopher M. Leahy is the Executive Director at the Tyler Museum of Art. Caleb Bell is the Curator at the Tyler Museum of Art. SOCIAL: 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm PROGRAM: 7:00 pm -8:00 pm A brief membership meeting and vote for the 2020 proposed budget will start at 7:00 pm with the Program immediately following. Free and Open to the Public

We were unable to vote on our Proposed 2020 Budget in February. Therefore, we will be voting on the budget at the March meeting. We encourage all members to attend. Our speaker for the evening will be Rodney Lamer Atkins. He will speak about African American Veterans from Smith County. Rodney Lamar Atkins is the founder and pastor of the Victory Temple Church of God in Christ. He serves as the 1st Vice-President of the International Sunday School Department of the Church of God in Christ. He retired from the City of Tyler Public Library as a librarian after 25 years of service. Rodney Atkins is the Library Director at Jarvis Christian College. He has written several books on African America History and Smith County, Texas. The books include “Remembering When We Were Colored in Tyler, Texas” Volumes 1 and 2; “African American Life in Tyler, Texas.” and co-author of the book, “Encyclopedia of African American Rural Life in Smith County.” His latest book is “Texas African American Soldiers of the 1960’s and 1970’s” Our meetings are open to the public and are held upstairs in the Payne Auditorium in the historic Carnegie Library building, 125 S. College Ave. in Downtown Tyler. Social from 6:30 – 7:00 PM   Meeting/Program starts at 7:00 PM