Central Part of Tyler map and Gray’s New Map of Tyler (Downtown)


This map is 2 maps in 1, one is of a map showing the central part of Tyler and the other is Gray’s new map of Tyler as shown in 1884. The maps are on one piece of paper and together measure 24.5″ x 16″ though there is also a copy that measures 23″ x 16″. The maps show major streets and buildings along with other details from the time.


This map has an inset of the downtown area, central part of Tyler and Gray’s new map of Tyler as shown in 1884. The map measures 24.5″ x 16″. The maps show major streets and buildings along with other details from the time.  This a wonderful tool to go along with the 1880 census, because it shows the dividing city ward system which is how they enumerated the residents.