
Cotton Belt News 1949 Issue #4 Index

Cotton Belt News 1949 Issue #4 Index   This is a joint project that was undertaken with the cooperation of three non-profit organizations. East Texas Genealogical Society (ETGS) provided Jeanne Sellers who did all of the indexes. I proofed and formatted all of the indexes for ETGS and the Smith County Historical Society (SCHS). SCHS also provided about 1/2 of magazines and the website space. ...[Read More]

Cotton Belt News 1946 Issue #3 Index

Cotton Belt News 1946 Issue #1 Index   This is a joint project that was undertaken with the cooperation of three non-profit organizations. East Texas Genealogical Society (ETGS) provided Jeanne Sellers who did all of the indexes. I proofed and formatted all of the indexes for ETGS and the Smith County Historical Society (SCHS). SCHS also provided about 1/2 of magazines and the website space. ...[Read More]

Cotton Belt News 1946 Issue #1 Index

Cotton Belt News 1946 Issue #1 Index   This is a joint project that was undertaken with the cooperation of three non-profit organizations. East Texas Genealogical Society (ETGS) provided Jeanne Sellers who did all of the indexes. I proofed and formatted all of the indexes for ETGS and the Smith County Historical Society (SCHS). SCHS also provided about 1/2 of magazines and the website space. ...[Read More]

Cotton Belt News – Cumulative Index

Cumulative Index to Cotton Belt News   This a master index to the Cotton Belt News. The indexes are compiled by Jeanne Sellers and formatted and proofread by Scott FItzgerald. Right now it covers the following issues:   1946 Issue 3; 1949 Issue 4; 1949 Issue 5; 1949 Issue 6; 1949 Issue 8; 1949 Issue 9; 1955 Issue 11; 1974 Spring Issue; and 1975 Spring Issue. Every effort was made to inde ...[Read More]

Legend Yearbook, Tyler, Smith County, Texas, 1960

Index to  Robert E. Lee High School Legend 1960 Yearbook Tyler, Smith County, Texas Note: Every effort was made to index all names, places, and subjects. Corrections may be sent to East Texas Genealogical Society’s e-mail address – Jeanne Sellers created this index. Scott Fitzgerald proofread and formatted the informati ...[Read More]