Do you recognize these books from Tyler, TX?
“If it causes just one of you to go through life more thoughtfully, and with more consideration for others, then all the work and cost involved in its publication will have been fully justified. If it saves just one of you from a broken arm, or a smashed leg, or a mutilated hand; then it will have been worthwhile.”
This introduction in the Tyler Star Safety Books says it all. The books were given to children graduating from First Grade. They addressed safety concerns regarding bicycles, street crossings, electricity, fireworks, and much more. Safety concerns were addressed to the parents as well.
Included in the books are advertisements from local businesses:
Do you need a Rambler? Cylde Cox Motor Sales sold them (1958-1959). Their phone number was LY 2-3864. What about a 1955 Clipper from Holcomb and Hayes on Erwin Street (1954-1955), or a waterless air conditioner from Acme Air Conditioning (1956-1957).
These books are great reminders of the history of Tyler, TX. Many of the advertisements include photos of business buildings that may, or may not, still exist, four digit phone numbers, mom in her apron, and verbiage reminiscent of the times.
The copies we have available in our ARCHIVES represent the following years:
1948-1949 1954-1955 1955-1956 1956-1957 1957-1958 1958-1959
Two of our earlier books have no date published; circa 1946, 1947
Some of the schools represented are in these photos. Saint Gregory’s and Trinity Lutheran were also represented. The Mattie Jones School has some group photos of 1st and 2nd graders.
Do you have a family member that was a 1st grader within these years?
If you, your parent, or your grandparent attended 1st grade in Tyler, TX in 1959 or earlier, you may see a familiar photo in one of these Safety Books. Give us a call with the school and year your loved one attended and we will see if we find their photo.
(903) 592-5993 Smith County Historical Society, Inc.