Cotton Belt News 1949 Issue #4 Index

Cotton Belt News 1949 Issue #4 Index


This is a joint project that was undertaken with the cooperation of three non-profit organizations. East Texas Genealogical Society (ETGS) provided Jeanne Sellers who did all of the indexes. I proofed and formatted all of the indexes for ETGS and the Smith County Historical Society (SCHS). SCHS also provided about 1/2 of magazines and the website space. The Cotton Belt Rail Historical Society Tyler Tap Chapter who provided the other 1/2 of the magazines and newsletters that will be uploaded later.


1911 Engine No. 338 and crew – 1
1912 Caboose – 1
1919 Engine No. 402 and crew – 1
1919 Fred Fauls – 6
Aims, D. B. – 12
Allen, Clarence – 10
Ament, E. J. (Dutch) – 12
American Cancer Society – 6
Anders, George W. – 11
Anderson Lumber Co., Gideon- – 6
Atherton, Leo – 13
Baebler, Blythe – 3
Bailey, Bill – 1
Bailey, Jim – 14
Bain, Tom – 3
Baldwin, J. W. (Buck) – 12
Banks, Mel – 10
Barnes, Fred (Mr.) – 14
Barnes, Fred (Mrs.) – 14
Barron, B. J. – 3
Bartels, Art – 14
Bartholomew, J. R. – 13
Bass, James E. – 11
Bass, Jimmy – 3
Baton Rouge, Louisiana – 8
Beatty, Arthur – 6
Bechler, Gene – 10
Becker, W. R. – 3, 10
Ben M. Hagan and Co. – 6
Berry, Dale – 13
Berry, E. E. (Mrs.) – 13
Bibby, Lexie – 3
Biggers, Cecil (Mrs.) – 13
Blagg, Turner W. – 4
Bloch and Son, O. E. – 6
Bloch, O. E., and Son – 6
Blytheville, Arkansas – 11
Boosters, Cotton Belt – 13
Borlinghaus, Roger O. – 4
Born, Mildred (Mrs.) – 12
Bothwell, Betty (Miss) – 14
Bowden, Gladys – 11
Boykin, Rufus – 11
Bradford, R. R. – 13
Brooksire, R. M. – 12
Brown, E. M. (Mr.) – 4
Brown, E. M. (Mrs.) – 3, 4
Brown, R. W. – 13
Bunting, Joe – 14
Burchalter, W. A. (Mr.) – 13
Burchalter, W. A. (Mrs.) – 13
Burner, R. B. – 4
Butane Gas Co., Simpson – 6
Byars, Sue (Mrs.) – 13
Caboose, 1912 – 1
Campbell, Dorothy (Miss) – 12
Campbell, Walter – 1
Car Department Upholstery Shop – 5
Carnation Milk Company – 12
Carnes, Iva – 11
Caviness, C. C. – 11
Chamberlain, Fran – 10
Church, Roy – 5
Clark, J. R. – 13
Coal, Fred Fauls – 6
Colding, Richard Garfield – 6
Coppage-Long Gin – 6
Cotton Belt Boosters – 13
Counts, Ira – 13
Cranston, Don – 1
Cunningham, W. R. – 3
D’Alessandro, Pat – 3
Dallas, Texas – 11
Davidson, Leon – 3
Davies, H. K. (Mrs.) – 6
Definition of Freedom – 3
DeLong, ___ (Mrs.) – 11
DeLong, Bill – 11
DeLong, G. H. (Shut) – 11
Denning, Dorothy – 11
Dent, Bill – 11
Dent, Ed – 11
Dent, William – 11
Detrich, Christine – 3, 10
Dickens, John E., Jr. – 13
Distributing Co., Garner – 6
Donovan, Harold – 5
Doran, Willliam F. – 10
Douglas, J. M. – 12
Doyle, J. F. (Mrs.) – 11
Dragon, Carmen – 6
Duckett, Chester – 13
Eason, A. L. (Mr.) – 11
Eason, A. L. (Mrs.) – 11
East St. Louis, Illinois – 11
employees, 1907 Mechanical Department – ??
employees, 1907 Mechanical Department Mechanical Department – ??
Engine No. 338 and crew, 1911 – 1
Engine No. 402 and crew, 1919 – 1
Eubanks, J. E. (Mr.) – 11
Eubanks, J. E. (Mrs.) – 11
Evans, J. D. – 12
Falvey, Bob – 13
Falvey, Paul – 13
Faucett, Joe – 12
Fauls Coal, Fred – 6
Fauls, Fred, 1919 – 6
Feline Railroader – 7
Fertilizer Co., Louisiana Liquid – 6
Flanagan, E. V. – 14
Flanagan, James (Mr.) – 14
Flanagan, James (Mrs.) – 14
Flynt, Younger Edward – 6
Ford, P. E. – 13
Foutch, Dee – 1
Fox, Roland – 11
Fred Fauls Coal – 6
Freedom, Definition of – A1593
Freeman, G. C. – 15
Ganey, Tom – 3
Gardner, A. S. – 12
Gardner, Eugene – 12
Garner Distributing Co. – 6
Gary School, Tyler – 5
Gaston, Ben – 12
Gaston, C. C. – 13
George, Billie – 3
Gibbons, J. C. – 11
Gibson, ___ “Dub” – 1
Gibson, W. J. – 3
Gideon-Anderson Lumber Co. – 6
Giehl, Grace – 11
Giffhorn, Rose – 11
Gilley, H. E. – 13
Gilmore, Robert – 14
Gin, Coppage-Long – 6
Gin, Coppage-Long – 6
Goodwin, Russell – 13
Graves, Merle – 3, 12
Gray, Willie “Cooter” – 5
Green, Betty Joe – 10
Guitteau, Bob – 10
Hagan and Co., Ben M. – 6
Hagan, Ben M., and Co. – 6
Hahn, Charliel E. – 10
Hahn, Sandra Jean – 10
Hall, Donald (Mrs.) – 6
Hamilton, J. L. (Uncle Jim) – 11
Hamilton, Perry V. – 3
Harp, Joseph Perry – 11
Harp, R. B. (Mr.) – 11
Harp, R. B. (Mrs.) – 11
Harris, Carelton – 10
Hastings, Charles – 1
Hazlewood, W. G. – 14
Healey, Ed – 1
Heist, Bertha (Mrs.) – 12
Henwood, Berryman (Judge) – 12
Herrmann, Erwin – 10
Hewitt, D. S., Jr. – 3
Hibbitts, Frances – 3
Hobold, Joe – 14
Hogan, ___ – 11
Hogan, H. E. – 15
Holden, Roy R. – 11
Holmes, Ira (Mrs.) – 13
Holmes, R. P. – 12
Holt, J. W., Sr. – 1
Hovorka, Ray (Mrs.) – 14
In Memoriam – 6
Jenkins, Ernest – 12
Johnny Careful – 6
Johnson, ___ (fireman) – 1
Johnson, C. T. – 11
Johnson, Jimmie – 1
Jonas, R. F. (Mike) – 12
Jones, J. G. – 12
Jones, S. C. – 3
Jones, Will – 1
Kindley, Eula – 3, 13
King, W. C. – 12
Kirchhoff, Joseph (Mrs.) – 13
Klueppel, John (Mr.) – 13
Klueppel, John (Mrs.) – 13
Koelling, H. C. – 10
Koelling, Henry C. – 3
Koenman, Clifford – 10
Krack, Henry (Mr.) – 11
Krack, Henry (Mrs.) – 11
Lane, Robert – 10
Langford, Ella – 13
Langford, J. M. – 13
Langford, Mary – 3, 11
Langland, Millard – 3
Langworthy, Bob – 1
Lanham, Leah – 3
Laws, M. M., Jr. – 3
Leach, J. S. – 11
Lee, J. M. (Mrs.) – 13
Leirer, Floyd – 11
Leirer, Otto – 11
Leirer, Tom (Lt.) – 11
Lewine, Marie (Mrs.) – 14
Lewis, R. L. (Bob) – 13
Lindsey, R. C. (Mr.) – 12
Lindsey, R. C. (Mrs.) – 12
Little Rock, Arkansas – 12
Littleton, Juanita – 13
Littrell, D. C. – 11
Livingston, J. R. – 12
Long Gin, Coppage- – 6
Long, Ruth – 13
Louisiana Liquid Fertilizer Co. – 6
Lovett, Katherine – 13
Lowe, Vernon – 10
Lumber Co., Gideon-Anderson – 6
Lumber Co., Gideon-Anderson – 6
Lusk, S. R. (Mrs.) – 12
Lyle, Albert – 11
MacRae, Gordon – 6
Malley, Will – 1
Martin, T. E. – 15
Matney, Louise (Mrs.) – 14
Mayberry, G. C. – 11
Maynard, ___ “Heavy” – 1
McDonald, ___ – 11
McElroy, G. W. – 15
McEwen, James – 3, 4, 12
McLeod, Leslie – 12
Mechanical Department employees, 1907 – ??
Merck, A. H. – 4
Merck, W. A. – 3, 4, 12
Merlo, John – 1
Miles, C. P. – 11
Milk Company, Carnation – 12
Miller, Ben – 3
Miller, Marvin – 6
Missouri Utilities Co. – 6
Mitchell, Bob – 11
Mittlebuscher, Henry – 11
Morrison, Ozzie Dean – 6
Moseley, Thad (Bud) – 12
Mowell, Maxine – 12
Murphy, C. V. – 1
Murray, G. T. (Pierpont) – 11
Nesbett, J. A. – 3
New industries – 6
North Little Rock, Arkansas – 12
Northcutt, J. L. – 12
O. E. Bloch and Son – 6
O’Conner, Bob – 1
Ohrenschall, Ben – 10
Opperman, Art – 11
Ost, Henry E. – 5
Ost, Lorraine – 3-5, 10
Parker, C . E. (Col.) – 13
Parker, C . E. (Mrs.) – 13
Parker, Clarence Edelle – 13
Parker, P. H. (Mr.) – 13
Parker, P. H. (Mrs.) – 13
Patterson, R. H. – 12
Permenter, Vernis – 13
Pfeifer, William F. – 10
Pickett, G. D. (Mrs.) – 3, 12
Pickett, H. G. – 13
Pine Bluff, Arkansas – 11
Plummer, R. S. – 12
Poepping, Mary M – 3, 11
Pounds, W. A. – 14
Powell, Harry – 12
Priddy, Otha – 13
Puckett, J. G. – 5
Quick, Billy H. – 3
Railroad Hour – 6
Railroad, Wabash – 7
Reed, E. C. – 7
Reynolds, C. W. – 1
Rhone, Raymond – 14
Richardson, Cloyd – 6
Rodgers, Roy – 3
Rogers, Joe (Buck) (Mr.) – 10
Rogers, Joe (Buck) (Mrs.) – 10
Rogers, R. A. – 3
Rosenstein, J. F. – 4
Rosenstein, J. L. – 3, 4, 13
Rosenstein, R. B. – 4
Rosenstein, W.N. – 4
Rowan, James – 10
Rudd, Mozelle – 11
Russel, M. E. – 12
safety harness – 5
Samuel, Howard – 6
Scartff, J. F. – 12
Schicht, Gerhard P. – 3
Seabrook, S. G. – 10
Self, P. D. – 5
Senter, Mary Nell – 14
Shannon, W. F. – 12
Shaver, Ruth – 10
Short, W. T. (Mrs.) – 12
Shreveport, Louisiana – 12
Simpson Butane Gas Co. – 6
Spinks, K. C. – 13
Stanley, T. L. – 13
Stowers, H. C. – 1
Strickland, Harold – 12
Stuart, F. H. – 5
Studdard, J. D. – 12
Sullender, S. M. – 12
Surratt, Cecil – 12
Swann, M. A. – 3
Thompson, John C. – 13
Thompson, Paul – 11
Thorn, Jonell – 11
Thorn, Pete – 11
Thornhill, Franklin – 11
Thurman, Helen – 10
Tindall, ___ (Mrs.) – 13
Tindall, A. I. – 13
Tucker, Arthur L. – 12
Tyler, Texas – 13
Tyron, Luther – 10
Tyson, Tom (Mr.) – 10
Tyson, Tom (Mrs.) – 10
Upholstery Shop, Car Department – 5
Utilities Co., Missouri – 6
Vittitow, J. B. – 3
Wabash Railroad – 7
Waco, Texas – 12
Wagasky, S. J. (Mr.) – 14
Wagasky, S. J. (Mrs.) – 14
Walker, G. K. – 13
Walsh, J. P. – 10
Walton, Jimmy (Mr.) – 14
Walton, Jimmy (Mrs.) – 14
Watts, Tommy – 3
Webb, Leah – 3, 12
Wedgeworth, T. H. – 12
Wheeler, Johnny – 14
Wheeley, J. A. – 11
Whitehead, Dick – 14
Willis, J. B. – 1
Wilson, Lloyd – 3
Windy the cat – 7
Winning, Gib – 1
Wood, John C., Jr. – 3
Wooley, Roland – 14
Work, S. F., Jr. – 12
Young, Clemon – 6
Young, Nelle – 3, 11
Yowell, B. F. – 10
Ziehm, J. W. – 5
Zweig, John – 11

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