Cotton Belt News 1946 Issue #1 Index

Cotton Belt News 1946 Issue #1 Index


This is a joint project that was undertaken with the cooperation of three non-profit organizations. East Texas Genealogical Society (ETGS) provided Jeanne Sellers who did all of the indexes. I proofed and formatted all of the indexes for ETGS and the Smith County Historical Society (SCHS). SCHS also provided about 1/2 of magazines and the website space. The Cotton Belt Rail Historical Society Tyler Tap Chapter who provided the other 1/2 of the magazines and newsletters that will be uploaded later.


36th Division – 12
Ark., discontinued service, Truman and McDonald, – 8
Arsenal, Pine Bluff – 2
Bartels, Arthur – 3
Borlinghaus, Roger O. – 12
Boynton, S. C. – 12
Bradley, D. E. – 5
Bridge, Red River – 7
Calcutta, India, riots – 11
Car Committee, Refrigerator – 10
Car Manufacturing, Mt. Vernon – 4
Chemurgic Council, National Farm – 10
Christmas rail congestion – 4
Committee, Refrigerator Car – 10
Construction Company, Massman – 7
Construction Company, McKee – 4
Crown Cork Seal Co. – 10
Dallas freight house – 4
Deardorff, Gene – 8
Dick, Tom J. – 5
discontinued service, Truman and McDonald, Ark., – 8
Engine 132 – 6, 7
Eversole, Elton – 10
Farm Chemurgic Council, National – 10
Foundation, Palmer – 10
Freight Claim Division – 11
Fruit and Vegetable Association, United Fresh – 10
Galbraith, R. M. – 7
Gammill, F. R., Sr. – 12
Gammill, Fred, Jr. – 12
Garland City, Arkansas – 7
Gilbert, A. S. – 7
Grace, W. H. – 6
Grigsbay, T. B. – 5
Hamill, Vince D. (T/Sgt.) – 11
Hobold, Joe L. – 3
Home for Aged and Disabled Railroad Employees – 10
Hubbard, Robert – 12
infantile paralysis – 5
Jersey, H. F. – 12
King, R. A. – 12
King, Robert Julian – 12
Little John – 10
Mabry, Holman – 5
March of Dimes – 5
Marshall, Fred – 7
Martin, R. C. – 12
Massman Construction Company – 7
McClendon, M. B. – 5
McDonald, Ark., discontinued service, Truman and – 8
McKee Construction Company – 4
Meitzen, C. M. – 12
memorandum books, search for – 8
Military Bureau, Western – 4
Morgan Line Steamship service – 7
Mt. Vernon Car Manufacturing – 4
Myer, M. L. – 3
National Farm Chemurgic Council – 10
Nation’s transportation challenge – 6
New Orleans Railroad Company, Texas and – 4
Newspaper, Texarkana Gazette News – 10
Noonan, Raymond – 12
oldest cotton bale – 11
Palmer Foundation – 10
Palmer, C. E. – 10
Passenger Association, Western – 4
Peeler, L. H. – 5
Peeler, Mattie (Mrs.) – 5
Peeler, W. C. – 5
Pine Bluff Arsenal – 2
Pine Bluff shops – 4
plastic r.r. car tops – 10
Poem – The Conductor Always Helps – 8
Post, John T. – 12
Potter, Charles G. (1st Lt.) – 12
Purdon, C. D. – 3
rail oddities – 11
Railroad Company, Texas and New Orleans – 4
railroad refrigerator car – 10
Railroad Retirement Tax – 3
Railroad trade marks – 9
Red River Bridge – 7
Redfield, Bonnie Laddie – 12
Refrigerator Car Committee – 10
refrigerator car, railroad – 10
Retirement Tax, Railroad – 3
Robb, Grover – 12
Ruckmick, C. A. (Dr.) – 2
Russell, J. F. – 3
Schnell, Earl W. – 12
service discontinued – 8
shops, Pine Bluff – 4
Siddall, Hugh B. – 4
Slane, Raymond F. – 12
Smith, George C. – 2
Spinks, K. C. – 12
Spirit of Jonesboro, miniature CB locomotive – 5
Stanley, W. L. – 12
Steamship service, Morgan Line – 7
Stieber, Oliver H. – 11
Swanner, J. C. – 8
Sword, Troyce B. – 12
Tax, Railroad Retirement – 3
Taylor, David H. 46/01:3
Terry, Ben H. – 6
Texarkana Gazette News – 10
Texas and New Orleans Railroad Company – 4
The Conductor Always Helps [poem] – 8
Towles, J. W. – 12
trade marks, Railroad – 9
Truman and McDonald, Ark., discontinued service – 8
Ulrich, H. C. – 3
United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association – 10
Vegetable Association, United Fresh Fruit and – 10
Wall, A. E. – 12
Wallis, John J. – 12
Western Military Bureau – 4
Western Passenger Association – 4
Wham, R. S. – 12
White, R. H. 46/01:5
Williams, R. H. – 12
Winders, F.N. – 3
Wise, ___ (Rabbi) – 2
Young, J. R. – 12

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