Smith County Historical Society

Benjamin Goss Donor of Universe Cemetery, Smith County, Texas

The following is a continuation of information provided by Vicki Betts ( after she and others worked diligently to have the Universe/University Cemetery designated as a Historic Texas Cemetery in July 2020. This information is about Benjamin Goss Donor of Universe Cemetery, Smith County, Texas   Benjamin Goss was born in about 1 ...[Read More]

Universe/University Cemetery designated as a Historic Texas Cemetery

Universe/University Cemetery designated as a Historic Texas Cemetery

The following is a press release that was created by Vicki Betts after she and others worked diligently to have the Universe/University Cemetery designated as a Historic Texas Cemetery. Date:  July 14, 2020 Press Release – For Immediate Release Contact: Universe/University Cemetery Receives Historic Texas Cemetery Designatio ...[Read More]

Sharing African American History

Since I have been a member of the historical society, still–after all these years African American history is one of the most under donated topics in our holdings.  As a member of the community I do hold things close to my heart and in my personal collections, but I will also share whatever I can for the better of the community.  Here at the Society we are at the mercy of donations to the co ...[Read More]

The Rose Queens of Tyler, Texas

Chamber of Commerce Negative Collection, Object ID: cofcneg168A-002

As with many of my research projects, it started with a question of “Who was the first Rose Queen?” I assumed it would be one of established families of Tyler but I would have been wrong. It turns that the first Rose Queen was from Palestine, Texas, the daughter of a jeweler.   So I started with the book by Frank Bronaugh entitled 50 years, Texas Rose Festival Association, 1933-19 ...[Read More]

State-Wide 2019 Genealogy Lock-In Program

State-Wide 2019 Genealogy Lock-In Program

In celebration of October, as Family History Month, the Smith County Historical Society ­­­­will join the Genealogy Network of Texas (GNT) for a collaborative event on October 18, 2019 from 10 am – 8:30 pm. The GNT is a state-wide initiative to connect libraries and provide educational and research opportunities and is spearheaded by the Genealogy Center of the Waco-McLennan County Library.  ...[Read More]

Louise Marsh, Frances Prestwood, Lovie Roberts and Ruth Hambrick Portraits 1915

In my previous blog, Alma Woldert Spence Letter dated June 4 1915, I mentioned the portraits found in the 1915 Alcalde school annual. We have identified four out of the five as follows:   Louise Marsh – Her senior picture is on page 35 with a different pose from what is printed in the 1915 Alcalde school annual. She is mentioned in the yearbook on pages 77 and 144. [Object Id: BSF060] F ...[Read More]

Alma Woldert Spence Letter dated June 4 1915

Recently SCHS employee Candis Lively was entering information in our museum software from a donation I made to the Archives of a 1915 Alcalde yearbook of Tyler High School. I had bought it at the antique mall in the Fair Foundation Bldg also know as the old Sears store location. When I bought it I found four portraits and a full length head to toe picture that was photographed by Denison”s S ...[Read More]

UPDATE: CLIR Grant Awarded

UPDATE: CLIR Grant Awarded

UPDATE April 2019: CLIR Grant Awarded               UPDATE 3/13/2020: Recordings being uploaded. Go to  and “Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that our review panel has recommended Smith County Historical Society, Inc. for a Recordings at Risk grant in the amount of $25,258.43 to support the project Historical Magnetic Tape Preservation Project. Your p ...[Read More]

Things to Do in Tyler, Texas


Are you looking for things to do in Tyler, Texas? The population of Tyler is growing at a fast rate, and so is tourism. The Keepin’ Tyler Rosy Destination Training tour is hosted by The Tyler Area Chamber of Commerce for employees of the hospitality industry of Tyler. I was fortunate enough to be a part of this tour along with 22 fellow associates and Susan Travis, Vice President of Tourism ...[Read More]

Alliene Gaston Coker, The First Woman Elected as an Officer of a Tyler Bank

Alliene Gaston Coker, The First Woman Elected as an Officer of a Tyler Bank

At our April 2019 monthly meeting, Kathy Gaston, a Smith County Historical Society Board member, spoke about Alliene Gaston Coker, the first woman elected as an officer of a Tyler bank.   Alliene Gaston Coker was born in 1891 to a prominent Tyler dentist, Finis Ewing Gaston, and his wife, Bessie Clarinda James. A lifelong resident of Tyler, Alliene was proud of her family and her city. She wa ...[Read More]