Smith County Historical Society

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I-19170915

World War I Poster Showing three workers.

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I is going to be a regular weekly feature in celebration of the centennial of the United States entering World War I. From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, September 15, 1917: Member Company G. Likes Army Life Mr. J. G. DeLaMar has received a letter from his son, George, a sergeant of C. G, 6th Texas Infantry, stating that the boys are well pleased with soldie ...[Read More]

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I-19170910

World War I Poster Showing three workers.

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I is going to be a regular weekly feature in celebration of the centennial of the United States entering World War I. From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, September 10, 1917:   Tyler Soldier Writes About Trip From Ft. Worth to New York   The family of Mr. E. C. Hudson in this city has received a letter from him written at Camp Albert Mills, Long Isl ...[Read More]

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I-19170825

World War I Poster Showing three workers.

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I is going to be a regular weekly feature in celebration of the centennial of the United States entering World War I. From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, August 25, 1917: Nat Gentry Writes Interesting Letter From California Nat Gentry, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Gentry, writes the home folks about his trip from Tyler to California. He enlisted in the navy and ...[Read More]

“Photo Friday” 4/21/2017

How many of you all have been to a farmer’s market?  The photo group here is taken at a location that used to be called the “Old Wagon Yard” and that is exactly what Robert Falkner titled the envelope of negatives.  If you haven’t guessed where this is, well it has a couple of different uses in present time.  The north west corner of East Elm Street and South Fannin Street ...[Read More]

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I-19170817

World War I Poster Showing three workers.

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I is going to be a regular weekly feature in celebration of the centennial of the United States entering World War I. From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, August 17, 1917:     Former Tyler Boy Steers Ship Through Mine-Strewn Waters – Rescues 67 Submarine Victims   The following letter from Levin Jester, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jester, former resid ...[Read More]

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I-19170717

World War I Poster Showing three workers.

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I is going to be a regular weekly feature in celebration of the centennial of the United States entering World War I. From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, July 17, 1917: Negro Soldier Writes to Home People                 The Troup Banner is in receipt of the following letter: Ft. Des Moines, Ia., June 28. Editors Banner: I wish to inform you that Troup, Texa ...[Read More]

Lee Wallace – Tyler Boy Serving on U. S. S. Jupiter

World War I Poster Showing three workers.

From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, June 4, 1917: Tyler Boy Serving on U. S. S. Jupiter It is not generally known in Tyler that there is a citizen of Tyler serving on the Collier Jupiter, which has just arrived in France with ten thousand tons of wheat, but it is a fact. About three years ago Lee Wallace, son of Mrs. Floy Wallace, enlisted in the navy and has recently been placed on the Jupiter. He wa ...[Read More]

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I-19170531

World War I Poster Showing three workers.

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I is going to be a regular weekly feature in celebration of the centennial of the United States entering World War I. From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, Thursday, May 31, 1917: “Soldier Life At Camp Funston Interesting Letter E. O. Hall, of Athens, and a member of the Officers’ Reserve Corps, writes the following interesting letter about life at Camp Funsto ...[Read More]

“Photo Friday” 4/14/2017

“Photo Friday” 4/14/2017

  You   all   have  a   blessed   Good Friday for 2017! The little lady, is Miss Frances Marie Ingram.  Frances lived in Tyler on her grandfather’s Ingram Farm (out on Old Bullard Road).  In 1920 when she would have been about 2 years old and adorably mobile in her special white dress .  She was the only child of Manning and Fannie Ingram; so I am sure they had a wonderful Easter Sunday ...[Read More]

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I-19170529

World War I Poster Showing three workers.

Letters Home From Soldiers During World War I is going to be a regular weekly feature in celebration of the centennial of the United States entering World War I. “From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, May 29, 1917: Tyler Boy Writes of Soldier Life At Camp Funston Editor Courier-Times, Camp Funston, Texas, May 27. I will try and give you a little information about the camp life out here in the back woods ...[Read More]